The Coronavirus lockdown has meant many are spending more time than ever at home. While you may be frantically scrubbing your home, there are some areas you may neglect which could be a breeding ground for bacteria.

In this blog we highlight what we could be doing better to protect ourselves and our families from COVID-19. There are a number of ways you can take to effectively clean covid out of your home and prevent it from spreading to others.

  • First, be sure to wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you cannot access a sink.
  • Next, consider using disinfectant wipes or sprays to clean commonly touched surfaces, such as door knobs, light switches, and countertops. You may also want to consider using a HEPA vacuum or steam cleaner to remove any lingering spores from carpets and upholstered furniture.
  • A good idea is to use a hospital grade disinfectant (you don’t need to buy the most expensive, the cheapest will work 100% effectively against the virus). A hospital grade disinfectant is a good option for high-traffic spots with hard surfaces, like light switches, door handles, benches or worktops, and most floors.  It’s always advisable to use gloves and use in a well-ventilated area, and to be aware that strong solutions may cause changes in the appearance of surfaces.
  • If you haven’t been able to get your hands on any hospital grade disinfectant, soap and water is hugely versatile and particularly suitable for destroying germs and bacteria on items that come into contact with food, and for cleaning children’s toys safely and effectively.
  • So what do we do with our grocery shopping? Current guidelines tell us that the food itself is unlikely to be a risk, as even if virus particles are ingested they’d probably not survive in our stomach acid. 
  • However the food packaging could be an area of concern. Remember the virus can survive for 24 hours on cardboard, and three to nine days on plastic. It may be best to remove as much outer packaging as possible, for example the cardboard box of a bag of cereal, but for anything which needs to stay in its packet, such as tins, give it a wash with soapy water. 
  • Other areas most people forget to clean are the outside of cleaning product bottles, soap and hand cream bottles as they are items that we frequently touch and could transfer coronavirus on to. The simplest way to clean them is by washing them in warm soapy water.
  • And don’t forget the tea towels. Whilst they appear pretty innocuous, tea towels are in fact a breeding ground for a number of harmful bacteria and viruses, including salmonella and E-coli. The added concern coronavirus brings means that we should now be replacing tea towels every day, so make sure you have plenty of spares to hand. Likewise, the way tea towels are stored can make a huge difference in keeping your home safe. Hang up to dry after every use and never leave sitting on the counter, or stacked damply over one another.
  • By following the tips, those who are working from home can disinfect their houses.
  • Doing this can reduce the amount of germs in the home and help fight against the virus.
  • Eco-Green Cleaning & Maintenance use eco friendly products to keep both your family and the environment safe. Please call us today on 03 8307 8155, we service all of Melbourne including North Melbourne and South Melbourne.