And why making all staff feel safe and comfortable is more important than ever before

2020 shook the world. It was the most disruptive year that many of us would ever have faced regarding restrictions, lifestyle changes, lockdowns and how we work.

As businesses were forced to close their physical doors, it was a quick learning curve for adapting to life online. Many service-based companies could implement these changes quite quickly and easily, and staff could continue their roles from home. Other businesses, such as hospitality were not so lucky.

But Australians are resilient, and we did what we needed to for survival and recovery.

And we did it! It’s time to get back to somewhat ‘normal’ with offices being allowed to reopen and welcome back staff.

Some people are going to be happy and relieved to get back to the physical office.

Others may take longer to adapt as they had 9 months of flexibility, working in comfy casuals, being home for their kids and pets, and enjoying no traffic jams every day!

Wondering what you can do to return to work safely after pandemic? So, let’s look at some ways to transition back into an office environment.


1. Be available and communicate with your staff

People will be concerned about the office environment’s cleanliness, particularly those who look after others who may be vulnerable to illness. Ensure you have a clear return to work plan that shows how you’re tackling the risks and creating a clean and safe workplace. Communicate with your staff how you’re controlling physical distancing, cleaning and hygiene and how you’re adhering to the Government advice.

2. Offer a flexible transition

Your employees have become accustomed to being home over the past 9 months, getting work completed while finding they have spare time for children, hobbies, pets and so on. Having to drop all that to go back to the daily alarm set, routine, traffic jams, and general ‘rush’ is a dramatic change for some people, and they will struggle. Offering a flexible transition of remote/inhouse work is recommended. You may even find productivity levels stay high as your staff are happy with a more flexible working arrangement. You can also read our post on office ergonomics.

3. Retain your technology, set up training and ask for feedback

With businesses forced online, many had a quick learning curve of how to incorporate new technologies. Software like Zoom for staff meetings and remote collaboration tools enabled teams to remain connected while working remotely. Ask how your staff found the software, and if they have any other suggestions (you may be surprised how tech-savvy some people have become!). And if any staff members found it hard to learn the new processes remotely, organise some training days, so they feel more comfortable with your new methods. You never know if we’ll be hit with more lockdowns and uncertainty in the future, so having a solid remote working plan is in your best interests.


1. Manage your self-care by keeping positive habits

There’s no denying lockdown was challenging in many ways. But what it also did was force people to alter their lifestyle and put the important things into perspective. Many of us found new hobbies (jigsaws, exercise, meditation, cooking etc.) and we had flexibility during the day. Others took the time to learn new skills to change career directions. Don’t lose this vision! Talk to your employer about flexible working arrangements and ensure you keep doing those extra things that made you feel alive!

2. You’ll soon be interacting with ‘live’ humans again

Life in lockdown meant we got used to communicating with other people online. And this was great at the time as it was the only way we could see colleagues. But soon, you’ll be able to do the things you maybe once took for granted in the office – having a morning coffee and chat, Friday night drinks, or sliding over to a colleagues desk to ask a quick question. Enjoy this! Remember that some people may take longer adjusting to this real human interaction again and be wary of physical distancing and having someone in ‘their space’.

3. Avoid burnout and information overload

As you return to work, you’re going to be bombarded with information. You probably got used to this with the constant media updates during the pandemic, but this time, it will come in the form of emails from your boss or the HR department as they set new regulations. If you don’t understand any of the new measures they have put in place, don’t be afraid to ask them. It’s likely that if you’ve got a question, others will think the same thing you are. Also, make sure you’re not picking up extra work (more than you had) as people return to the office in dribs and drabs. You want to avoid any unnecessary stress about things you can’t control.

Our team are on hand to keep your office environment clean

There’s enough to do to transition employees back into the workplace. Our job is to make sure your office environment is clean and sanitised. When employees return to an office that they know is being regularly cleaned and sanitised, it will alleviate some of their stress.

We’re excited to see our regular clients getting back into their offices, and we’re here to welcome new clients looking for reliable and professional commercial cleaners.

If you’d like a quote, please feel free to get in touch.