Cleanliness plays a vital role in schools, not only for the physical well-being of students and staff but also for creating a conducive learning environment. A clean and hygienic school helps prevent the spread of diseases and promotes a positive atmosphere for learning. To achieve this, here are five expert tips for creating a culture of cleanliness in schools.

1. Educate on Hygiene:
One of the most effective ways to instil cleanliness in schools is through education. Teachers and staff should prioritise educating students on the importance of hygiene. By explaining the link between cleanliness and good health, students will be motivated to maintain cleanliness in their surroundings. Additionally, incorporating hygiene lessons into the curriculum can make learning about cleanliness fun and engaging.

2. Proper Handwashing Techniques:
Handwashing is a simple yet powerful way to prevent the spread of germs. It is crucial to teach students the correct handwashing techniques. Encourage them to use soap and warm water, scrub their hands for at least 20 seconds, and dry them properly. To make hand washing more exciting, schools can organise competitions or create catchy songs that remind students to wash their hands regularly.

3. Training for Students and Staff:
To create a culture of cleanliness, it is essential to provide training for both students and staff. Students should be taught how to keep their personal belongings, classrooms, and common areas clean. Staff members, including janitors and teachers, should receive training on proper cleaning procedures, including the use of appropriate cleaning products and techniques. Regular workshops and refresher courses can help ensure everyone is up-to-date with the best practices.

4. Maintain Cleanliness on Frequently Touched Surfaces:
Frequently touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, desks, and shared equipment, can harbour germs and bacteria. Regular cleaning and disinfection of these surfaces are vital to prevent the spread of diseases. Schools should develop a cleaning schedule that includes disinfecting high-touch areas multiple times a day. In addition, providing hand sanitisers or wipes in easily accessible locations can encourage students and staff to clean their hands after touching these surfaces. You can hire cleaning companies specialising in school cleaning services and create a schedule that works well for everyone involved.

5. Promote Responsibility and Ownership:
Creating a culture of cleanliness requires everyone to take responsibility for their actions. Encourage students to clean up after themselves and take pride in their school environment. Assigning cleaning duties to different students or classes can promote a sense of ownership and responsibility. By involving students in the cleaning process, they will develop a greater appreciation for cleanliness and understand the effort required to maintain a hygienic school.

Cleanliness is of utmost importance in schools as it contributes to the overall well-being and learning experience of students. By following these expert tips, schools can create a culture of cleanliness that will benefit everyone. Let us strive to create a clean and healthy environment where students can thrive and reach their full potential. For professional school cleaning services in Melbourne and surrounding areas, consider Eco Green Cleaning and Maintenance. With our specialised cleaning solutions, we ensure a hygienic and safe environment for students, teachers and staff. To learn more about how we can help you, get in touch with our friendly team!